Sunday, March 1, 2009


I recently read a artical on the statis on the us government vs. the canadian government in many catogories. i saw that the canadian health care if rated 6 in the world while the u.s. healt care is rated 36. I live in canada so while I do write in the states sometimes, i live in canada and I'm happy to live there with my health care.

I also saw that canada is rated over the U.S. in almost every catogory. in fact I can't remeber one spot where the U.S. is better than canada in one spot. I somewhat agree about the rankings, but i still can think that i would want to live in the states more.

I don't agree that the money is better over here than in america. I don't agree that canada has a better government. I will say that I think that this is a better artical than most people give it, but still not the best.

Monday, January 26, 2009


I am upset about Obama pulling the troops out in 24 months because I think of every single person who had a relative or friend in the twin towers when they got destroyed.
this makes me angry when I think of every person who will have their revenge taken from them by a man who doesn't know what it feels like to have a loved one torn from them by someone other than natural death. I would-if I had a loved one that was in there- would be devastated with what he is doing.

The war in Iraq is coming to an end and I think that by removing Hussian form power we saved many from death that would surly have followed if we had not acted.

I would like to say that if you are a sport fan as well I have another blog at

P.S. I Think

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


this I'm happy about. the people of America choosing a black president for the first time. this shows that we are ready to cast away with our past and right the wrongs our nation did when we brought slaves to this country. I say that we are ready to now elect a female president in 4 years this is what I think we the people need to do in order to say that we are the most powerful nation in the world. this is a giant step for America and I will now quote " one giant step for man, one giant step for man kind."

I will say that Obama is a people president and I hope that he doesn't end his term in office like J.F.K. I could not wish this on anyone. I could only think of his daughters and his wife that would be left behind. I also think that Obama will not be reelected to the oval office.

I would also like to say that the Obama admin will and should be life changing to everyone in this country.